In the framework of the EU-funded ISTC – implemented Project Support to the Centre of Excellence of Eastern and Central Africa in Nuclear Security, on 5 and 7 April 2022 ENCO Consultancy conducted a training course for regulatory body staff on nuclear security of radioactive sources. Leading experts from ENCO – Maja Boskovic, Vladimir Rukhlo, Sorin Repanovici, Oana Velicu and Adriana Baciu – made presentations before the audience of 25 attendants. The topics of the lectures comprised international and national regulatory frameworks for nuclear security; the interface between security, radiation protection and safety; management and accountancy of radioactive sources; threat assessment; design of nuclear security systems; mobile radioactive sources and transport security; preparedness and response to radiological emergencies; etc. The course was in line with the activities designed to upgrade the regulators’ capacity for verification of the nuclear security status of relevant RAM users.